Flyer for Dakota Squares intro sessions



We're charmed and lucky! We have Abe Maier calling on March 23rd!

We dance at The Recovery Church

253 State Street South, Saint Paul, Minnesota


As a caller, Abe Maier is always in demand. And we've got him for our March "Lucky Charms" dance. We're also scheduled to have Beth Boatz leading line dances. Come join us on the 23rd for Plus tips starting at 3 and Mainstream tips from 3:30 on, with line dancing in between tips till 5:30.


We're hoping we're lucky enough to have lots of square dancers join us this month. Come join our charming dancers for some fun dancing, some great food (our treat table is open all afternoon; please bring an item to share), and fellowship during the dance. Questions? Call John or Rose at 651-225-9709.


Want to try square dancing? Click/tap on the flyer!

About us


Dakota Squares hosts monthly square dances in Saint Paul, Minnesota, and offers introductory lessons throughout the year in or near St. Paul.


We dance Mainstream and Plus at The Recovery Church, on St. Paul's West Side. And we usually have line dancing between tips!


Dakota Squares is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to helping people learn, practice, and enjoy modern square dancing. It is a proud member of Square Dance Minnesota, Inc.


Donations to Dakota Squares are tax-deductible and help us bring the fun of square dancing to more people. You can make a financial donation at If you'd like to discuss in-kind donations, please contact Rose at ‭651- 225-9709‬.